Holistic Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment in San Diego
Looking for Holistic Drug Rehab?
As part of our effort to serve the whole person, we offer a wide range of holistic healing services. We do not suggest that these services are evidence-based. However, in our many years of experience with addiction treatment, it is clear that holistic drug rehab services are highly valued by clients, and their experiences are evidence enough. It is also clear that there are only so many psychotherapy sessions a person can meaningfully attend in one day. Holistic healing sessions provide a change of pace and an opportunity to reflect on changes that are occurring and what is being learned. Our holistic healing options include massage, acupuncture, yoga, mind-body inquiry (a form of guided meditation), meditation, energy healing and other options. As clients experience and get to know more about our holistic healing opportunities, they typically find comfort and relaxation in taking part in one or more of the services that are offered.
To learn more about the value of holistic drug rehab through various healing services, feel free to read this article from the Atlantic Monthly (July/August, 2011)
Holistic Services:
- Dietary supplements
- Chiropractic
- Meditation
- Aromatherapy
- Massage therapy
- Yoga
- Progressive muscle relaxation
- Past-life regression
- Spirituality, religion and prayer
- Movement therapy
- Acupuncture
- Biofeedback
- Hypnosis