Are you concerned about the cost of rehab?
Practical Recovery is an out-of-network provider. You pay for our services when you receive them (“at the time of service”). We will bill insurance for you. You wait for reimbursement from your insurer.
We want our outpatient rehab services to be financially within reach of those wanting our approach. Our kind of client can be harmed by a traditional provider and we hope to spare you that experience.
The evaluation and planning session, $220, is conducted by Dr. Horvath, Dr. Galant, Dr. Camlin, or Dr. Hadland. In many instances this session is enough to initiate successful change. We will recommend activities and homework you can continue long after the evaluation. Afterward you are eligible for a free weekly group and free online services. We may have several free, brief follow-up calls with you. There are dozens of free SMART Recovery meetings each week throughout San Diego.
You might also be interested in – The Cost of Rehab: Why is it So Expensive?
Maintaining and expanding SMART Recovery San Diego has been Dr. Horvath’s labor of love since 1990. He structured Practical Recovery and developed SMART Recovery so that these basic components of a successful change plan are available to anyone at minimal cost.
To reduce fees you might have regular but less than weekly individual sessions. One session per month might cost no more than your monthly co-pay at a traditional provider. Wouldn’t you prefer to have one helpful session per month, possibly supplemented by free SMART Recovery meetings, rather than several unhelpful or even harmful sessions? Individual 50 minute follow-up sessions are $220, but could be higher depending on the provider or session length. Have as many or as few of these sessions as you think best.
For those who need intensive treatment we offer the IIOP. This cost-effective alternative to inpatient care appears to be unique in the nation. We believe it sets a standard of care that the US addiction treatment industry would do well to match.
Call us to find out how we can create a plan that works within your budget.