Introducing AiME to the Team!

Artificial Intelligence for Addiction Treatment is Here

Technology continues to advance at a rapid rate.  Like anything, excessive use and over-reliance on technology can lead to problems.  However, few would argue that smart phones improved our ability to connect with each other.  At Practical Recovery we strive to stay on the cutting edge of technology and the advancements that improve quality of care.  In keeping with our efforts to improve quality of care, we are proud to be one of the first providers of behavioral health services to incorporate artificial intelligence into treatment.

logo for textpert, developers of AI for mental healthArtificial Intelligence: The Cutting Edge of Mental Health Services

Artificial intelligence for Mental Evaluation (AiME) is now an option for all clients at Practical Recovery.  AiME was developed by Textpert, under the guidance of an internationally renowned team of advisors. AiME allows for inexpensive, immediate, objective, and repeated measurement of well-being.

People interact with AiME by talking to a laptop or computer (other devices are not supported at this time). Once enrolled we will send you a link for the Practical Recovery page of the AiME website. AiME records and analyzes, via your microphone and camera, your language, vocal expression, facial expression, and many other variables.

The fee for AiME is $50 per calendar month, pro-rated as needed for the first month. Susie Lee, our administrative assistant, will complete the registration process with you.  You may opt out at any time. Once a month is charged it is not refunded, but you can stop charges for future months.

We recommend that you interact with AiME three times in the first week, then weekly thereafter. However, you may respond to her eight questions (the same each time) as often or as little as you like. Each question needs to be answered for at least 15 seconds, and no longer than 60 seconds. After each interview with AiME (a female avatar with a British accent) your primary therapist will get a summary of your evaluation.

The normal course of treatment will be to have an evaluation with one of us, followed by regular sessions at whatever rate (per day, per week or per month) makes sense in your situation. Then, ideally, you will taper off the frequency of sessions, once we can see that sufficient progress has been made. This tapering period (sometimes called aftercare, extended care or continuing care) is often crucial to a long-term good outcome.

Initially AiME will help clinical staff make sure we have not missed any issue that needs to be addressed in our sessions. Then, AiME will help monitor your progress, and help us make treatment adjustments if needed. Finally, when it is time to consider tapering, AiME will help us jointly establish and adjust the tapering schedule. We can taper off session frequency with more confidence, and have longer time between sessions, if AiME is looking out for you!

You will discover that you are learning about yourself, and your progress and successful maintenance—or lack of it—as you respond to AiME’s questions. In the final phase of involvement with Practical Recovery we may see you only once a quarter, before our sessions end altogether. However, we expect you will have become so fond of AiME that you may continue talking to her for months to years more, knowing that she is taking your “psychological vital signs” regularly—like a health checkup—and will let us know if a visit is indicated.


Learn more about AiME by Textpert