Is Walmart to Blame For The Opioid Epidemic?
Posted on January 8, 2021
by Thaddeus Camlin, PsyD
Villains certainly make prime scapegoats. Because villains make great targets they are also susceptible to false allegations and wrongful convictions. Despite its dominance in the retail sector, global mega-merchant Wal-Mart manages to retain a special sort of derision from many. Recently, Wal-Mart’s been under fire for ignoring red flags as opioid sales boomed in the past decade. Given Wal-Mart’s ubiquity, it would follow that one of the largest dispensers of prescription medicine ignoring red flags while opioid sales soared deserves a lion’s share of blame for the opioid epidemic, right? Wrong.
What Role Does Walmart have in The Opioid Epidemic?
Ignoring red flags while quarterly profit numbers tickle the fancies of board members and shareh...
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